This allows your project to be listed on Evil Chain forever (as long as the site exists)
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Enter as, if you don’t have an official twitter for the project provide your personal twitter
At least the first batch that you would like to be listed
(If you don’t know, it’s likely Ethereum)
Most projects metadata are fixed eg. think CryptoPunks, the attributes for a CryptoPunk never changes. However, some projects have dynamic metadata, for example some projects may have changable accessories. Others may have breeding resulting in continuous minting. If your project has features like this, please explain a bit about them here.
Specify future date if not launched yet, past date if sale already started. Can leave blank if not determined yet or so long ago it doesn’t matter.
Specify future date if not revealed yet, past date if already revealed. Can leave blank if not determined yet or so long ago it doesn’t matter.